enlargeable |
combined form of enlarge. |
enlargement |
the act or result of enlarging; increase; expansion. [3 definitions] |
enlighten |
to provide with previously lacking insight, information, or knowledge. |
enlightened |
having been awakened to knowledge or truth. [2 definitions] |
enlightenment |
the act of enlightening, or the condition of being enlightened. [2 definitions] |
enlist |
to volunteer or sign up to serve, as in the military or in some cause. [2 definitions] |
enlisted man |
a member of the military who is neither a commissioned officer nor a warrant officer. |
enlistment |
the act of enlisting. [2 definitions] |
enliven |
to cause to be lively or cheerful. |
en masse |
as a body, group, or whole; all together. |
enmesh |
to catch or ensnare; cause to be involved; entangle. |
enmity |
the mutual feeling of enemies toward each other; hatred; hostility; antagonism. |
ennead |
a group or set of nine persons or things. |
ennoble |
to make exalted in character, quality, or moral worth. [2 definitions] |
ennui |
a general feeling of boredom and dissatisfaction, esp. with all aspects of life. |
enormity |
the quality of surpassing moral limits; offensive or disgraceful character. [3 definitions] |
enormous |
extremely large in size, quantity, or extent; huge; immense. |
enough |
adequate to satisfy a requirement or need; sufficient. [6 definitions] |
enplane |
to enter an aircraft, esp. as a passenger. |
enquire |
variant of inquire. |
enrage |
to cause to be extremely angry; infuriate. |