entertainer |
one who entertains by performance, such as an actress or comedian. [2 definitions] |
entertaining |
providing pleasant diversion; amusing. |
entertainment |
something that provides pleasant diversion or amusement. [3 definitions] |
enter the lists |
to become involved in a conflict or contest. |
enthrall |
to hold the complete attention of; fascinate. [2 definitions] |
enthrone |
to put upon a throne. [3 definitions] |
enthuse |
to cause enthusiasm in. |
enthusiasm |
intense interest or excitement concerning; zeal. [2 definitions] |
enthusiast |
a person intensely interested in or obsessed with a particular subject. [2 definitions] |
enthusiastic |
having or showing enthusiasm. |
entice |
to lure or tempt, as by calling attention to the possible benefits of an action. |
enticement |
the act of enticement, or the condition of being enticed. [2 definitions] |
entire |
containing all parts or components; whole. [3 definitions] |
entirely |
completely; totally. [2 definitions] |
entirety |
the state of being whole and complete. [2 definitions] |
entitle |
to give a right or legal claim to. [2 definitions] |
entity |
anything that exists objectively and distinctly, whether nonliving or living; thing or being. [2 definitions] |
entomb |
to bury or put in a tomb. [2 definitions] |
entomo- |
insect. |
entomology |
the science concerned with insects. |
entourage |
a group of people who accompany another person as attendants or associates; retinue. |