Ethiopia |
an African country near the Red Sea, bordered by Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, and Somalia. |
Ethiopian |
of or pertaining to Ethiopia or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions] |
Ethiopic |
Ethiopian. [3 definitions] |
ethmoid |
of or pertaining to a bone or bones in the cranium forming part of the septum and nasal cavity walls. [2 definitions] |
ethnic |
of or related to a large group of people who share a distinctive culture, language, or religion, or who are of the same race or national heritage. [3 definitions] |
ethnic cleansing |
the mass murder, incarceration, or forced emigration of members of an ethnic minority within a particular nation in order to establish an ethnically homogeneous population. |
ethnic group |
a group of people who share a distinctive culture, language, or religion, or who are of the same race or national heritage. |
ethnicity |
the condition of being a member of an ethnic group or sharing its traits. |
ethno- |
cultural group; people. |
ethnobotanist |
a person engaged in the study of ethnobotany. |
ethnobotany |
a branch of anthropology concerned with the cultural relationship between a people and their traditional use and management of plants. |
ethnocentric |
marked by or tending toward viewing other races or cultural groups in terms of the standards of one's own race or group. [2 definitions] |
ethnocentrism |
the strong tendency to view other races or cultural groups in terms of the standards of one's own race or group. [2 definitions] |
ethnographic |
of or pertaining to the branch of anthropology that deals with the description of specific cultures. |
ethnography |
the branch of anthropology that deals with the description of specific cultures. |
ethnology |
a branch of anthropology concerned with the origins and development of various cultures. |
ethnomusicology |
the study of the music of one or more ethnic groups, esp. as a reflection of cultural values or differences. |
ethology |
the scientific study of the behavior of animals. |
ethos |
the basic underlying attitudes and beliefs of a group, movement, or culture, which give it its character. |
ethyl |
in chemistry, containing the monovalent hydrocarbon radical. [3 definitions] |
ethyl acetate |
a colorless flammable volatile liquid made from ethyl alcohol and acetic acid that has a fruity aroma and is used in the making of perfumes and other products and as a solvent. |