eV |
abbreviation of "electron-volt," or "electron-volts," a unit of energy equal to the energy of one electron accelerated by one volt, or equal to 1.602 times 10-12 erg. |
evacuate |
to remove (citizens, soldiers, or the like) from a place, esp. one considered unsafe. [5 definitions] |
evacuation |
the act or process of emptying. [3 definitions] |
evacuee |
a person who has been removed from a place, esp. for safety. |
evade |
to avoid or escape by cleverness or trickery. [5 definitions] |
evaluate |
to determine the level, value, or worth of; appraise. [2 definitions] |
evaluation |
a report that tells the value or quality of something. [2 definitions] |
evanesce |
to disappear like a vapor; vanish into nothing. |
evanescent |
tending to disappear like vapor; vanishing; fleeting. |
evangel1 |
the Christian gospel. [2 definitions] |
evangel2 |
an evangelist. |
evangelical |
relating to or according to the Christian gospel, esp. the four Gospels. [4 definitions] |
evangelism |
the devoted preaching and spreading of the Christian gospel, in an effort to win converts to its doctrine or regain former believers; missionary work. [2 definitions] |
evangelist |
a person who works to gain converts to an evangelical church, esp. a minister who travels about or broadcasts his or her preaching widely. [3 definitions] |
evangelize |
to preach the gospel to. [3 definitions] |
evaporate |
to turn from liquid into vapor; pass away in the form of vapor. [5 definitions] |
evaporated milk |
thick unsweetened canned milk made by evaporating some of the water from whole milk. |
evaporation |
the process of evaporating. |
evapotranspiration |
the transfer of moisture from the soil to the atmosphere through the dual processes of evaporation and plant transpiration. [2 definitions] |
evasion |
the act or an instance of escaping, avoiding, or failing to perform something. [3 definitions] |
evasive |
serving to allow one to avoid, escape, or fail to perform something. [2 definitions] |