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excellence the fact or state of being extremely good or of high quality. [2 definitions]
excellency (usu. cap.) a title of honor of certain high officials such as ambassadors or archbishops. [2 definitions]
excellent of high quality; extremely good; superior.
excelsior shavings of wood, used esp. as a packing material.
except with the exclusion of; other than; but. [5 definitions]
excepting not including; except; excluding.
exception the act of leaving out. [4 definitions]
exceptionable likely to be objected to; objectionable.
exceptional uncommon, unusual, or out of the ordinary. [2 definitions]
excerpt a short passage taken from a written work, film, or the like. [2 definitions]
excess the state or an instance of going beyond what is required, expected, or considered reasonable. [5 definitions]
excessive more than is required, expected, or considered reasonable; extravagant or immoderate.
exchange to give or receive (one thing) for another; trade; swap. [7 definitions]
exchangeable combined form of exchange.
exchange rate the price of one currency in terms of another, yielding a ratio at which money of one country can be exchanged for money of another country.
exchange student a student who attends high school in a foreign country, while a student from that country studies in the country of the first.
exchequer a treasury, esp. of a government. [2 definitions]
excise1 a tax levied on the manufacture or sale of certain goods within a nation or state. [3 definitions]
excise2 to remove by or as though by cutting; cut out.
excitability the capability of being easily excited.
excitable capable of being easily excited.