excludable |
capable or worthy of being excluded. |
exclude |
to leave out; omit; keep out. [2 definitions] |
exclusion |
the act or process of excluding. [3 definitions] |
exclusive |
leaving out. [5 definitions] |
exclusive jurisdiction |
power granted exclusively to a particular court to apply and interpret laws within a particular geographic area or in relation to certain types of matters. |
exclusively |
with all others left out or not included; only; solely. |
excommunicate |
to exclude, by formal order, from the privileges of membership and communion in the Roman Catholic Church. [3 definitions] |
excoriate |
to denounce or criticize severely. [2 definitions] |
excrement |
the waste products of digestion discharged from the body, esp. feces. |
excrescence |
abnormal enlargement or growth; hypertrophy. [3 definitions] |
excreta |
substances that are excreted from the body, such as sweat and urine. |
excrete |
to discharge or eliminate (wastes and harmful materials) from the body. |
excretion |
the act or process of eliminating bodily waste matter. [2 definitions] |
excretory |
of, relating to, or having the function of excretion. |
excruciating |
extremely painful or intensely distressing; agonizing. [2 definitions] |
exculpate |
to free (a person or group) from guilt or blame, or from the suspicion of guilt or blame. |
excursion |
a short journey undertaken for a specific purpose. [3 definitions] |
excursive |
pertaining to, tending toward, or having the nature of a digression from the main topic. |
excuse |
to pardon or overlook. [11 definitions] |
exec. |
abbreviation of "executive." |
execrable |
of very poor quality; extremely inferior. [2 definitions] |