explorer |
one that explores, esp. an unfamiliar geographic region. [3 definitions] |
explosion |
an act or instance of bursting or violent release of energy, or the noise made thereby. [3 definitions] |
explosive |
capable of causing a violent burst of energy. [3 definitions] |
exponent |
one that expounds or interprets. [3 definitions] |
exponential |
in mathematics, of or concerning an exponent, or having a variable in one or more exponents. [2 definitions] |
export |
to send or transport abroad, usu. for sale or trade. [5 definitions] |
exportable |
combined form of export. |
exportation |
the act or practice of exporting, or that which is exported. |
exposé |
the public exposure or revelation of something negative, such as personal secrets or illegal activities. |
expose |
to uncover or reveal; lay bare. [7 definitions] |
exposed |
having no protection or shelter. [3 definitions] |
exposition |
a detailed statement intended to explain something, esp. something difficult. [3 definitions] |
expositor |
one who explains, presents, or demonstrates. |
expository |
designating nonfiction writing that explains and describes with the aim of conveying information or presenting certain opinions or points of view. |
ex post facto |
done afterward, esp. with a retroactive effect, as the making of a law. |
expostulate |
to argue earnestly with someone, usu. against an intended action; remonstrate. |
exposure |
the act or process of exposing. [7 definitions] |
expound |
to discuss or explain in detail (usu. fol. by "on" or "upon"). [2 definitions] |
express |
to state or otherwise make known (ideas, thoughts, or feelings). [8 definitions] |
expressage |
the business of carrying packages and other goods by express. [2 definitions] |
expression |
the act, process, or result of making thoughts or feelings known, esp. in words. [5 definitions] |