extravagant |
spending excessively or imprudently, or characterized by such spending. [3 definitions] |
extravaganza |
an elaborate, usu. musical, show. [3 definitions] |
extravasate |
to force (blood or lymph) to flow from the usual vessels into surrounding tissues. [4 definitions] |
extravehicular |
pertaining to the activity of an astronaut outside of a spacecraft. |
extraversion |
see "extroversion." |
extreme |
at the most distant point or outer limit of. [7 definitions] |
extremely |
in a great degree; very. |
extreme sport |
one of a set of relatively new sports, such as snowboarding, skateboarding, and bungee jumping, that feature speed, height, danger or exciting stunts, most often pursued by young adults. |
extreme unction |
the sacrament administered by a Roman Catholic priest to a dying person; last rites. |
extremism |
a tendency to go beyond moderation to extreme positions, esp. on political issues. |
extremist |
a person who takes a radical stand and encourages radical action or thinking, esp. in politics. [3 definitions] |
extremity |
the farthest reach or point of a thing. [4 definitions] |
extricate |
to free or release from difficulty, entanglement, or involvement; disengage. |
extrinsic |
not inherent or essential; extraneous. (Cf. intrinsic.) [2 definitions] |
extrinsic factor |
a vitamin found in foods such as milk, eggs, and fish, used in the treatment of anemia; vitamin B12. |
extrorse |
in botany, facing outward; turned away from the center. (Cf. introrse.) |
extroversion |
the tendency to pay more attention to others or the external world than to oneself. (Cf. introversion.) [2 definitions] |
extrovert |
one whose interest and attention are directed to the world outside the self (Cf. introvert.) [2 definitions] |
extrude |
to force out; expel. [3 definitions] |
exuberance |
the quality or condition of being exuberant. [2 definitions] |
exuberant |
vigorously enthusiastic or happy; high-spirited. [2 definitions] |