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faerie the imaginary dwelling place of fairies; fairyland. [2 definitions]
fag to make weary or exhausted; tire (often fol. by "out"). [4 definitions]
fag end the last or worst part of something, esp. the worn-out or frayed end of a piece of cloth or rope.
faggot (offensive slang) a male homosexual.
fagot sticks, twigs, or branches bound together. [4 definitions]
fagoting a technique for trimming or decorating cloth with crisscross stitches across an open seam, or with vertical threads tied at midpoint in bundles spaced across a section with no horizontal threads.
Fahrenheit of, pertaining to, or designating a temperature scale on which thirty-two degrees is the freezing point and 212 degrees is the boiling point of water. (abbr.: F)
faience pottery decorated with highly colored, opaque glazes. [2 definitions]
fail to be or become ineffective or unsuccessful; be lacking in an effort or attempt. [10 definitions]
failing a weakness or shortcoming in a person or thing. [3 definitions]
faille a woven fabric with shallow, transverse ribbing, made of silk or other soft material.
fail-safe protected against failure or breakdown, as by a compensatory or back-up mechanism that begins to function automatically in an emergency. [5 definitions]
failure the act or result of failing. [5 definitions]
fain willingly; happily. [4 definitions]
fainéant doing absolutely nothing; lazy; indolent. [2 definitions]
faint weak, feeble, or slight. [5 definitions]
fainthearted lacking courage or conviction; timid.
faintly in a faint way; dimly, weakly, or very quietly. [2 definitions]
fair1 without bias, or without allowing a greater advantage for one side over another; just. [12 definitions]
fair2 a gathering at which farm animals and farm produce are judged, usu. held over several days and including games and amusements. [3 definitions]
fair ball a batted baseball that stays within the foul lines if airborne or, if it hits the ground before the outfield, that stays within the foul lines until it has gone beyond first or third base.