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Fascisti Italy's fascist party led by Benito Mussolini, or the members thereof.
fashion (prec. by "the") the style of dress or conduct in current favor. [7 definitions]
fashionable conforming to current trends or styles. [2 definitions]
fashion plate a person who usu. dresses in the latest, most stylish clothes. [2 definitions]
fast1 moving or operating, or having the ability to move or operate, with speed. [12 definitions]
fast2 to cease to eat food. [4 definitions]
fastback on an automobile, a sloping back curving from the top to the rear bumper in an unbroken convex line, or an automobile that has such a back.
fastball in baseball, a high-speed pitch usu. thrown straight.
fast break a play, esp. in basketball, in which a team advances quickly down the playing area to try to score before the defense is prepared.
fast day a day in which one abstains from eating, esp. as a religious duty.
fasten to attach, join, or affix securely to something else or in place. [8 definitions]
fastener something used to fasten, such as a clip, button, pin, latch, or the like.
fastening that which is used to fasten or secure, such as a hook or clasp.
fast-food offering foods for sale that are quickly available for eating or taking out.
fast food food from a restaurant that is made and eaten right away. Fast food is usually not expensive.
fastidious exceedingly particular or demanding esp. in matters of detail; exacting. [2 definitions]
fastigiate tapering vertically to a narrow point or spire, as some trees. [2 definitions]
fast lane the lane on a highway or expressway where vehicles maintain higher speeds or pass other vehicles. [2 definitions]
fastness a place that is secure against invasion or attack; stronghold. [3 definitions]
fast-paced unfolding or moving forward at a rapid pace. [3 definitions]
fast-talk to influence or persuade by speaking cleverly or deceptively, esp. so as to prevent objections or clear thinking.