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fescue any of several related grasses, commonly grown in lawns and pastures.
fess a broad horizontal band that forms the middle third of a heraldic shield.
-fest a gathering or celebration involving (such) activity.
festal of or suited to a feast, festival, or celebration.
fester to become filled with pus; become infected. [5 definitions]
festival a day or more of celebration to commemorate a notable occasion, such as a religious holiday. [4 definitions]
festive of, relating to, or suitable for a feast or celebration. [2 definitions]
festivity joyous celebration, or an occasion of feasting and celebration; festival. [3 definitions]
festoon a decorative chain or strip of ribbons, flowers, leaves, or the like, suspended at the ends and hung in a curve. [4 definitions]
Festschrift (sometimes l.c.) a publication of writings or essays done by friends, colleagues, or admirers as a tribute to a scholar.
feta a soft white crumbly cheese, made of goat's milk and stored in brine, that originated in Greece and is a staple of eastern Mediterranean cuisine.
fetal of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an unborn young of a higher mammal, in the later stages of development.
fetch to go for (something) and bring back, or cause (a person) to come; get. [5 definitions]
fetching attractive; captivating.
fete a festival. [3 definitions]
fetid having a foul odor; stinking.
fetish an object believed to be inhabited by a spirit or to have magical powers, as of protection. [3 definitions]
fetishism belief in or use of fetishes, as in religious rituals. [2 definitions]
fetlock the projecting bone above and behind the hoof of a horse or horselike animal, or the tuft of hair on this projection.
fetter a chain or shackle placed on the ankles to restrict movement. [3 definitions]
fettle condition, esp. mental.