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fighting chance a slight possibility of victory or success if great effort is exerted.
fightorflight response activation of the sympathetic nervous system that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event and readies the body for action.
figment something imaginary or invented.
figuration the act of forming something into a particular figure, or the resulting figure. [3 definitions]
figurative not meant to be interpreted in a literal way; metaphorical. [3 definitions]
figure a number or other written symbol other than a letter of the alphabet. [16 definitions]
figured shaped, formed, or fashioned. [3 definitions]
figurehead the titular head of an organization who has no real power. [2 definitions]
figure of speech an expression, such as a metaphor, hyperbole, or simile, that uses words in a nonliteral, unusual, or intensive manner to produce a certain effect; trope.
figure on to take (something) into consideration; expect; plan for.
figure out to find an answer to a problem or puzzling question by using the power of the mind.
figure skater an ice skater who is capable of tracing perfect figures onto the ice with the blade of his or her skate and executes athletic jumps and dance movements.
figure skating ice skating in which the skater traces elaborate figures on ice or, in competition, executes athletic jumps and dance movements.
figurine a small, molded or sculpted ornamental figure; statuette.
figwort any of various woodland plants that bear loose, branched clusters of small green or purple flowers. [2 definitions]
Fiji a southwestern Pacific island country northeast of Australia.
Fijian of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Fiji, its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
filagree variant of filigree.
filament a fine strand, as of thread, fiber, or wire. [3 definitions]
filaria any of various threadlike roundworms that are parasitic in the blood of vertebrates and are transmitted by bloodsucking insects.
filariasis an infestation of filarial worms in the bloodstream, lymphatic system, and other tissues which causes chronic swelling, blindness, or elephantiasis if untreated.