fishy |
similar to a fish, esp. in taste or smell. [3 definitions] |
fissile |
able to be split or divided. [2 definitions] |
fission |
the act or process or an instance of breaking apart. [3 definitions] |
fissionable |
combined form of fission. |
fissure |
a narrow crevice or other opening, esp. one caused by splitting. [3 definitions] |
fist |
the hand when the fingers are curled tightly into the palm. [3 definitions] |
fistfight |
an act or instance of fighting with bare fists. [2 definitions] |
fistful |
what can be held in the hand; handful. |
fistic |
of or pertaining to boxing or fighting with the fists; pugilistic. |
fisticuffs |
a fight with the fists. [2 definitions] |
fistula |
a canal or passage created as a result of a wound, abscess, or the like that opens on the surface of the body or connects two cavities. [2 definitions] |
fit1 |
suitable or acceptable for a particular person or group, or for a particular function; appropriate; right. [11 definitions] |
fit2 |
a sudden, severe attack, outbreak, or convulsion related to a disease. [2 definitions] |
fit as a fiddle |
in excellent health or condition. |
fitful |
occurring at irregular intervals. |
fit in |
to feel a sense of belonging. |
fitness |
suitability. [4 definitions] |
fitness ball |
a large, bouncy ball used in exercise programs or physical therapy to increase muscle control, strength, and flexibility. |
fitted |
made to conform closely to a particular shape. |
fitter |
someone or something that fits. [3 definitions] |
fitting |
appropriate; proper; suitable. [4 definitions] |