float valve |
a valve controlled by a floating device. |
flocculate |
to form (soil, clouds, or the like) into lumps or masses. [2 definitions] |
flocculent |
like wool; tufted or fluffy. [3 definitions] |
flock1 |
a group of animals or birds of one kind keeping or kept together, such as geese or sheep. [4 definitions] |
flock2 |
a tuft, as of wool or other fiber. [5 definitions] |
flocking |
fine fibers, such as wool, applied to a smooth surface such as wallpaper or fabric to form a raised pattern; flock. [2 definitions] |
floe |
a mass of sheet ice floating usu. on the sea, or a detached piece of such a mass. |
flog |
to beat harshly with a whip or rod. |
flood |
an overflowing of water onto land that is not normally under water. [8 definitions] |
flooded |
overly full of or entirely covered by unwanted water. |
floodgate |
a gate, as in a canal, used to control a flow or level of water. [2 definitions] |
flooding |
the flowing of great amounts of water over a normally dry area, often causing damage. |
flood lamp |
a floodlight, esp. one used in a television or photography studio. |
floodlight |
an electric lamp that casts a strong beam of light over a wide area. [3 definitions] |
flood plain |
a wide, flat area of land adjacent to a river that overflows its banks periodically. |
flood tide |
the inflowing tide; rising tide. [3 definitions] |
floodwater |
(often pl.) water covering normally dry land as a result of flooding. |
floor |
the lowest surface in a room, on which one stands. [9 definitions] |
floorage |
floor space. |
floorboard |
a board or plank in a floor. [2 definitions] |
floor exercise |
any of various athletic events or routines, such as tumbling, performed on a floor mat. [2 definitions] |