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fool away to waste or squander.
foolery silly or jesting actions or speech; tomfoolery. [2 definitions]
foolhardy unreasonably bold or daring; rash.
foolish lacking in good sense or judgment, or appearing to lack them; silly. [3 definitions]
foolproof able to withstand incompetence or misuse. [2 definitions]
fool's cap a cap traditionally worn by the fool in a royal court, usu. brightly colored and topped by several drooping peaks hung with bells. [2 definitions]
foolscap a sheet of paper about thirteen by seventeen inches, used for writing, printing, or drawing. [3 definitions]
fool's gold iron or copper pyrite, sometimes mistaken for gold because of its color.
fool's paradise an illusion of happiness and satisfaction.
fool's-parsley a poisonous herblike plant of Eurasia, having a stinking odor and resembling parsley.
foot in vertebrate animals, the lower part of the leg below the ankle joint, on which the body stands and moves. [10 definitions]
footage a length of anything that can be measured in feet. [2 definitions]
foot-and-mouth disease a severe, very contagious disease of animals such as sheep and cattle, characterized by fever and blisters in the mouth and around the feet or hooves, the teats, and the udder; hoof-and-mouth disease.
football a North American game played by two opposing teams on a rectangular field, in which players pass or carry a ball in an effort to transport it to one end of the playing area and thus score points. [4 definitions]
footboard a board or small raised platform on which a foot or both feet can be supported in a slightly raised position; footrest. [2 definitions]
foot brake any brake requiring pressure of the foot, as in an automobile and on some bicycles.
footbridge a bridge for pedestrians only.
foot-candle a unit of illumination equal to that produced by one candela at a distance of one foot, or to one lumen per square foot.
foot-dragging deliberate slowness in taking requested action or in making a necessary decision.
footed equipped with a foot or feet. [2 definitions]
-footer someone or something (so many) feet tall, long, or the like.