forevermore |
for all time to come; forever. |
forewarn |
to give advance warning to. |
forewing |
either of the forward wings of an insect having four wings; anterior wing. |
foreword |
a preliminary statement or introduction to a written text, such as a book; preface. |
for example |
as an example or examples. |
forfeit |
something demanded or given up as a penalty for neglect, misdeeds, or other failure to act as required by law, contract, or rules. [6 definitions] |
forfeitable |
combined form of forfeit. |
forfeiture |
the act of forfeiting. [2 definitions] |
for free |
for no money; at no cost. |
forgather |
to gather together; convene. [3 definitions] |
forgave |
past tense of forgive. |
forge1 |
a furnace or hearth where metal is heated to be worked or shaped. [7 definitions] |
forge2 |
to move ahead gradually but with determination. [2 definitions] |
forger |
one who forges checks, documents, or the like. [3 definitions] |
forgery |
the act of forging, esp. something fraudulently imitated. [2 definitions] |
forget |
to fail or lose the ability to recall. [10 definitions] |
forgetful |
tending to forget. [2 definitions] |
forget-me-not |
any of several low-growing plants with clusters of small, blue flowers, considered to be a token of constancy in friendship or love. |
forget oneself |
to fail to act in a conventional, dignified, or self-controlled manner. |
forgive |
to excuse or pardon (an offense or offender). [4 definitions] |
forgiven |
past participle of forgive. |