for short |
as a shorter form. |
forsook |
past tense of "forsake." |
forsooth |
(archaic) indeed. |
forswear |
to give up or renounce, often with an oath or pledge. [3 definitions] |
forsythia |
any of several wild or cultivated early-blooming shrubs bearing bright yellow flowers that bloom along the length of long, thin branches. |
fort |
a fortified building or position used by military troops for protection and defense. [2 definitions] |
forte1 |
a strong or exceptional point, such as a talent or skill. [2 definitions] |
forte2 |
in music, loud and forceful. [3 definitions] |
fortepiano |
an eighteenth-century version of the pianoforte, having a smaller keyboard and more delicate sound. |
forte-piano |
loud and then immediately soft (used as a musical direction). |
forth |
forward or onward in time or space. [3 definitions] |
forthcoming |
about to appear or happen. [4 definitions] |
for the most part |
to a large degree; usually. |
for the present |
at least at this moment, though perhaps not afterwards. |
for the time being |
just for now; for a short time only. |
forthright |
outspoken and to the point. [2 definitions] |
forthwith |
without delay or hesitation; immediately. |
fortieth |
indicating rank or position between thirty-ninth and forty-first. [3 definitions] |
fortification |
a fortified place or defensive structure, such as a castle or fort. [3 definitions] |
fortify |
to provide with fortifications, as against military attack. [5 definitions] |
fortissimo |
in music, very loud. [3 definitions] |