forty-five |
a forty-five caliber pistol or revolver, or a cartridge of .45 inches in diameter to be used in such a gun. [3 definitions] |
forty-niner |
one who joined the California gold rush in 1849. |
forty winks |
(informal) a brief nap. |
forum |
the central place in ancient Roman cities for the conduct of public and business affairs and for public assembly. [4 definitions] |
forward |
at or toward a place or time beyond; further on; ahead. [13 definitions] |
forwardness |
lack of modesty or humility in dealing with others; presumptuousness. [3 definitions] |
forward pass |
a football pass made from behind the line of scrimmage to a player who is closer to the other team's goal. |
forwent |
past tense of forgo. |
fossa |
in anatomy, a pit, cavity, or depression. |
fosse |
a ditch, esp. one used as a fortification. |
fossil |
the remains or trace of a living organism from an earlier geologic age, embedded in earth or rock. [3 definitions] |
fossil fuel |
any carbon-containing fuel formed from the remains of prehistoric plants and animals. Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are examples of fossil fuels. |
fossiliferous |
composed of or containing fossils. |
fossilize |
to make into a fossil by replacing organic matter with mineral substances. [3 definitions] |
foster |
to encourage and aid the growth or development of. [4 definitions] |
foster home |
a home in which a child is cared for by someone other than his or her natural or adoptive parents. |
fosterling |
a child to whom parental care is given by someone not related to him or her by law or heredity; foster child. |
fouetté |
(French) in ballet, a move in which the dancer stands on point on one leg and kicks the other leg outward and back to the body, thereby spinning the entire body around. |
fought |
past tense and past participle of fight. |
foul |
extremely offensive to the senses, esp. of smell and taste, or permeated by something, such as an odor, that is offensive to the senses. [21 definitions] |
foulard |
a soft, thin, woven or twill fabric of silk, rayon, or cotton, usu. with a small print design. [2 definitions] |