gee1 |
turn right! (used in directing a horse or work animal). (Cf. haw3.) [2 definitions] |
gee2 |
used as a mild exclamation of wonder or surprise. |
geek |
a person who is considered to be socially different or awkward, esp. because of being overly intellectual. [3 definitions] |
geeky |
characteristic of or resembling a geek. |
geese |
pl. of goose. |
gee up |
go faster! (used in directing a horse or work animal). |
gee whiz |
used to express surprise, objection, or the like. |
gefilte fish |
chopped fish mixed with egg, meal, and seasoning, boiled, and served chilled, often as balls. |
Geiger counter |
an instrument that detects radiation by means of a gas that ionizes when in the presence of radioactive emanations, and that also measures it by a device that counts the electrical pulses emitted by the ionized gas. |
geisha |
a Japanese woman who is trained as a dancer, musician, and conversationalist, and who is paid to entertain and provide companionship for men. |
gel |
a non-separating chemical mixture that resembles jelly. (See colloid.) [3 definitions] |
gelable |
combined form of gel. |
gelati |
an Italian frozen dessert made of milk, sugar, gelatin, and flavoring. |
gelatin |
an animal protein that is used in glue, on film, and in making edible gels from liquids, such as jellies or aspics. [3 definitions] |
gelatinize |
to make or change into gelatin or jelly. [3 definitions] |
gelatinous |
like jelly or gelatin, esp. in consistency. [2 definitions] |
geld |
to remove the testicles of (a horse or other animal); castrate. |
gelding |
a castrated male horse. |
gelid |
exceptionally cold or icy. |
gelignite |
a blasting explosive containing nitroglycerin, nitrocellulose, and the like; gelatin dynamite. |
gem |
a precious stone that has been cut and polished; jewel. [4 definitions] |