glory |
great honor, distinction, praise, or renown. [8 definitions] |
glory days |
a time in the past when someone or something flourished. |
gloss1 |
a shine or sheen on a surface; luster. [4 definitions] |
gloss2 |
an explanatory note, such as a translation of an unusual, foreign, or technical expression, placed between the lines or in the margin of a text or manuscript. [3 definitions] |
glossary |
a list of unusual, difficult, or technical words and their definitions, usu. placed at the end of a book. [2 definitions] |
glossolalia |
see "speaking in tongues." |
glossy |
having a smooth, shiny surface or appearance. [5 definitions] |
glottal |
of or articulated in the glottis. |
glottal stop |
a speech sound made by momentarily closing the glottis and then abruptly releasing it. |
glottis |
the elongated opening between the vocal cords in the upper portion of the larynx. |
glove |
a covering for the hand, usu. made of cloth or leather and having separate sections for each finger and the thumb. [5 definitions] |
glove compartment |
a small storage area built into an automobile's dashboard, usu. on the passenger's side. |
glover |
one who makes or sells gloves. |
glow |
light given off by something very hot but flameless, or light that appears to be given off in this way. [6 definitions] |
glower |
to look or stare with sullenness, anger, or animosity; scowl. [2 definitions] |
glowworm |
any of several insects of the beetle family with abdominal organs that give off light, such as the larvae or wingless females of the firefly. |
gloxinia |
any of several tropical houseplants with large downy leaves and bell-shaped flowers of various colors. |
glucose |
a form of sugar that occurs naturally in fruits, plants, and animal tissues; grape sugar. [2 definitions] |
glucoside |
any of several chemical compounds that yield glucose when treated with an acid or enzyme. |
glue |
a thick, sticky liquid used as an adhesive, such as the substance derived from hoofs, skins, and other animal proteins by boiling these in water. [2 definitions] |
glue sniffing |
the potentially brain-damaging act or practice of inhaling the fumes of certain types of glue, such as model airplane glue, and thereby becoming intoxicated, giddy, or the like. |