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glucose a form of sugar that occurs naturally in fruits, plants, and animal tissues; grape sugar. [2 definitions]
glucoside any of several chemical compounds that yield glucose when treated with an acid or enzyme.
glue a thick, sticky liquid used as an adhesive, such as the substance derived from hoofs, skins, and other animal proteins by boiling these in water. [2 definitions]
glue sniffing the potentially brain-damaging act or practice of inhaling the fumes of certain types of glue, such as model airplane glue, and thereby becoming intoxicated, giddy, or the like.
gluey like glue; sticky. [2 definitions]
glum in low spirits; sad, sullen, or gloomy. [2 definitions]
glume one of two bracts on a spikelet of grass or sedge.
gluon in physics theory, a massless particle or type of energy that binds quarks together and thus forms protons, neutrons, and the like.
glut to supply (a market) with much more of a particular article than there is demand for. [5 definitions]
glutamate a salt or ester of glutamic acid.
glutamic acid a nonessential amino acid found in proteins that is used as a salt flavoring on meats and other foods.
glutamine a nonessential amino acid that is a component of proteins.
gluteal of, relating to, or near the muscles of the buttocks.
gluten a protein found in certain cereal grains, esp. wheat, that gives dough an elastic texture. [2 definitions]
gluten-free of a diet or food substance, not containing gluten, which is an elastic substance that occurs in certain cereal grains and gives dough an elastic texture.
gluteus any of the three major muscles in the buttocks.
glutinous sticky, as glue.
glutton someone who eats an excessive amount, or one who both eats and drinks excessively. [2 definitions]
gluttonous inclined to eat excessively; voracious.
gluttony the habit or an instance of excessive eating and drinking.
glycemic of or pertaining to glucose in the blood.