glycogen |
a white substance, similar to starch, that is the principal storage material for carbohydrates in animals; animal starch. |
glycol |
a chemical compound used as a solvent and as an antifreeze in automobiles; ethylene glycol. [2 definitions] |
glycoprotein |
a protein that has carbohydrate molecules attached. |
glycoside |
any of a group of sugar compounds that yield a sugar and one or more other substances on hydrolysis. |
GM |
abbreviation of "genetically modified." |
G-man |
an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; government man. |
abbreviation of "genetically modified organism." |
gnarl |
a knotty bulge on a tree. [2 definitions] |
gnarled |
bent and twisted, as a tree's branches or trunk. [2 definitions] |
gnash |
to grind (the teeth) together. [3 definitions] |
gnat |
any of numerous very small flying insects, some of which bite or sting. |
gnaw |
to bite or chew repeatedly on. [6 definitions] |
gnawing |
(often pl.) a dull and persistent pain; pang. |
gneiss |
a metamorphic rock made up of minerals similar to those in granite but arranged in bands that differ in color, some bands containing feldspar and quartz and others containing hornblende and mica. |
abbreviation of "Government National Mortgage Association," a Federal agency that buys mortgages in quantity from lenders and then, by offering securities to the public, sells interests in them; Ginnie Mae. |
gnocchi |
small dumplings made from flour, semolina, or potatoes, usu. served with a sauce or with grated cheese. |
gnome1 |
one of a group of little old men of folklore and fairy tales who live inside the earth and guard precious treasure. [2 definitions] |
gnome2 |
a short, pithy, wise saying; aphorism. |
gnomic |
short and pithy, as an aphorism. |
gnomon |
the column on a sundial that casts a shadow and thus indicates the time of day. |
-gnomy |
the art or science of knowing or interpreting. |