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go to seed of a plant, to reach the stage of producing seeds. [2 definitions]
go to the bathroom (informal; polite) to use a toilet, or to relieve oneself without a toilet.
go to the dogs (informal) to seriously decline or deteriorate; degenerate.
gotta contraction of "got to" as in "have got to" and "has got to," used in some types of writing to reflect how the two words "got to" in these expressions are often pronounced in rapid, informal speech.
gotten a past participle of get.
gotu kola a small creeping plant used in herbal medicine; Centella. [2 definitions]
gouache a technique of painting by using a mixture of opaque watercolors and a gum preparation. [3 definitions]
Gouda a mild, yellow, semisoft cheese, usu. coated in red wax.
gouge a type of chisel with a blade shaped like a scoop, used primarily on wood. [7 definitions]
goulash a Hungarian dish made of stewed meat and vegetables seasoned with paprika and usu. served with noodles. [2 definitions]
go under to completely fail as a business.
go up to increase. [2 definitions]
go up in smoke to end or disappear abruptly before a goal can be realized; fail to be carried out.
gourami any of various freshwater fishes native to Asia, often brightly colored and popular for keeping in aquariums.
gourd the fruit of any of a number of plants related to the squash, esp. the dried and decorative shells of some varieties. [3 definitions]
gourde the chief monetary unit of Haiti, equaling one hundred centimes.
gourmand someone who takes great pleasure in eating and drinking, often to excess.
gourmet someone who appreciates and is knowledgeable about well-prepared food, fine wines, and the like. [2 definitions]
gout a painful disorder characterized by the accumulation of uric acid salts in the joints. [2 definitions]
gouty of, pertaining to, or characteristic of gout. [4 definitions]
Gov. abbreviation of "Governor," one who governs a political unit, esp. a U.S. state. [2 definitions]