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governess a woman hired to care for and teach the child or children of a family.
government the direction and control exercised politically over people living in a community, state, or nation. [4 definitions]
governor one who governs a political unit, esp. a U.S. state. [3 definitions]
governor general a governor of a large region, area, or territory who has jurisdiction over other governors or deputy governors.
governorship the office, functions, jurisdiction, or term of a governor.
govt. abbreviation of "government."
go whole hog (informal) to do something as completely as possible, without holding back.
go with to date (someone); go out with. [2 definitions]
go without saying to be so clearly true or evident that there is no need to mention (something); used to emphasize one's certainty about or the obviousness of something.
go with the flow to conform with the way everybody else is doing things. [2 definitions]
gown a dress, esp. one worn on formal occasions. [4 definitions]
go wrong to malfunction, go badly, or cause failure or difficulty (often fol. by "with"). [2 definitions]
goy (often derogatory) a non-Jewish person.
GP abbreviation of "general practitioner," a practicing physician who does not specialize in any specific field of medicine but treats a variety of medical problems.
GPA abbreviation of "grade-point average."
GPS abbreviation of "Global Positioning System," a public satellite navigation system designed and controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense that provides an accurate global time reference and is used to determine a precise location on Earth.
grab to take hold of suddenly, forcefully, or roughly. [7 definitions]
grab bag a container filled with wrapped items, such as party favors, to be drawn or purchased without prior knowledge of the contents. [2 definitions]
grabby tending to or inclined to grab things; greedy.
grace beauty, harmony, or charm in bearing, appearance, or motion. [10 definitions]
grace cup a cup passed around for toasts after grace at the end of a meal. [2 definitions]