grade school |
see "elementary school." |
gradient |
the amount by which an incline deviates from the horizontal; slope. [4 definitions] |
gradual |
occurring evenly by degrees. |
gradualism |
the belief, principle, or policy of attaining a change in something, such as political structure, through slow stages rather than drastic steps. |
gradually |
by small steps or degrees. |
graduate |
to be given a degree or diploma upon completing studies at a school, college, or university. [6 definitions] |
graduated |
arranged in successive stages. [2 definitions] |
graduation |
the act or process of graduating. [4 definitions] |
Graecism |
variant of Grecism. |
Graeco- |
see "Greco-." |
graffito |
something written, scratched, or drawn on a wall or the like, esp. in a public place by a private individual not hired or authorized to do so. [2 definitions] |
graft1 |
a detached portion of a plant, such as a shoot, that is placed into a slit or the like on another plant so as to become a living part of it. [9 definitions] |
graft2 |
the act or procedure of obtaining financial gain illegally or unethically as a result of one's position of power or influence, esp. in government. [4 definitions] |
graham |
a flour made from the entire wheat kernel. [2 definitions] |
Grail |
in medieval legend, the cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, traditionally a symbol of Christian purity and the object of spiritual quests; Holy Grail. [2 definitions] |
grain |
collectively, the small hard seeds of cereal plants such as wheat or rice, used for food and often ground into flour. [11 definitions] |
grain alcohol |
ethyl alcohol, esp. that made from grain. |
grain elevator |
a storage building, usu. tall and cylindrical, in which grain is lifted, conveyed, and discharged by mechanical devices. |
grain-fed |
of or pertaining to cattle that are fed a diet consisting primarily of corn and soy grains, or to beef produced by such cattle. |
grainless |
combined form of grain. |
grainy |
having grains or a texture resembling grains. [2 definitions] |