Guyana |
a South American country on the northeast Atlantic coast between Venezuela and Suriname; formerly British Guiana. |
Guy Fawkes Day |
November 5, a holiday in the UK on the anniversary of Guy Hawkes' failed attempt in 1605 to blow up the House of Lords, celebrated with bonfires and fireworks. |
guzzle |
to drink or eat rapidly and in large gulps, as if greedy or in great need. [3 definitions] |
gybe |
variant of jibe1. |
gym |
(informal) a gymnasium. [4 definitions] |
gymnasium |
a building or large room designed and equipped for physical education and for athletic and gymnastic games and contests. [3 definitions] |
gymnast |
one skilled in gymnastics. |
gymnastic |
of or relating to gymnastics. |
gymnastics |
(used with a pl. verb) physical exercises used to develop and demonstrate muscular strength, agility, and control, esp. with the aid of special equipment such as the parallel bars, the horse, and the high bar. [3 definitions] |
gymno- |
naked; bare. |
gymnosperm |
any of a large division of seed plants having seeds not enclosed within an ovary, such as the conifers, seed ferns, and gingko. (Cf. angiosperm.) |
gym shoe |
a rubber-soled canvas shoe intended to be worn for indoor sports; sneaker. |
gynandromorph |
an individual exhibiting the physical characteristics of both sexes. |
gyneco- |
female. |
gynecocracy |
government by a woman or women. |
gynecologist |
a medical doctor who specializes in gynecology. |
gynecology |
the branch of medicine that deals with the reproductive system and endocrinology of women. |
gynephobia |
irrational fear of women. |
gyniatrics |
(used with a sing. verb) the branch of medicine that deals with disorders peculiar to women. |
gyno- |
female. |
gynoecium |
the female reproductive organs of a flower; carpel, or carpels collectively; pistil, or pistils collectively. |