hand's-breadth |
see "handbreadth." |
handset |
a telephone with the receiver and transmitter contained in a single hand-held unit. |
handshake |
the clasping and shaking of hands between two people as in greeting, congratulation, or leave-taking. |
hands-off |
not taking part; not interfering. |
handsome |
having a pleasing, attractive, and healthy appearance. [3 definitions] |
hands-on |
of or pertaining to active participation, as distinguished from mere observation or study. |
handspring |
a complete somersault in which a person flips forward or backward onto the hands and ends with a springing return to the standing position. |
handstand |
an act of balancing the body on the hands with the feet extended upward. |
hand-to-hand |
involving physical contact between opponents, as in military combat. |
hand-to-mouth |
offering or providing only the barest necessities. |
hand to mouth |
in a way that provides only for one's barest needs at the present time without any provision for the future. |
hand truck |
a small vehicle with two wheels and handles for moving heavy things. |
handwork |
work done by hand rather than by machine. |
handwoven |
woven by hand, as a basket, or woven on a handloom. |
handwriting |
writing produced by hand, as with a pen or pencil. [2 definitions] |
handy |
easily available or accessible. [3 definitions] |
handyman |
a person with a variety of skills, usu. at a low level, that can be used on small jobs. |
hang |
to suspend from a point above. [17 definitions] |
hangable |
combined form of hang. |
hangar |
a shelter for aircraft. |
hang around |
to spend time in a place, or near another person, for little or no apparent purpose. [2 definitions] |