hang glider |
a large kitelike apparatus used for sailing in the air, usu. with a harness and handle for one person. |
hanging |
the act, process, or instance of executing a person by means of suspending the body from a rope attached around the neck. [5 definitions] |
hang in the balance |
to be very uncertain. |
hangman |
the person who hangs those condemned to die by hanging; executioner. |
hangnail |
a small, loose flap of skin at the side or base of the fingernail. |
hang on |
to cling tightly to something. [6 definitions] |
hangout |
a place where a person or group spends a good deal of time, esp. during idle or leisure hours. |
hang out |
(informal) to spend a lot of time at a place with no particular purpose. [6 definitions] |
hangover |
the unpleasant aftereffects, such as headache or nausea, of drinking too much alcohol, usu. experienced after sleep. |
hang-up |
(informal) an unspecified psychological or emotional impediment or fixation. [2 definitions] |
hang up |
to end a telephone call by pressing a button or putting the telephone down in the part that holds it. [4 definitions] |
hang up on |
O End a phone conversation with someone by abruptly and unexpectedly cutting the connection. |
hank |
a coil or length, as of yarn or hair. [2 definitions] |
hanker |
to crave or long for something (often fol. by "for" or "after"). |
hanky |
a handkerchief. |
hanky-panky |
(informal) devious, unethical, or illegal conduct. [2 definitions] |
Hanoi |
the capital of Vietnam. |
Hanover |
a member of Great Britain's ruling family in 1714-1901, or the name of the family itself. |
Hansa |
a medieval merchants' guild. [2 definitions] |
Hanseatic League |
a medieval association of northern European free towns, formed to promote and protect merchants' interests. |
Hansen's disease |
leprosy. |