hardcover |
a book produced with a relatively hard cover, usu. of cardboard and cloth; hardback. [2 definitions] |
hard disk |
a rigid, magnetized disk built into a computer that is capable of storing a large amount of data. |
hard drive |
a device usu. inside a computer that copies data to and from a computer's hard disk; hard disk drive. |
hard drug |
any drug, such as heroin, that is addictive and causes long-term harmful effects. |
harden |
to make hard or more resistant to pressure. [6 definitions] |
hardened |
made or become hard or harder. [4 definitions] |
hardener |
a substance that can be added to varnish or paint in order to achieve a harder finish on the surface to which it is applied. |
hard-fisted |
unrelentingly stingy; tight-fisted. [2 definitions] |
hard goods |
manufactured products, such as appliances, machines, and automobiles, that last for many years; durable goods. |
hard hat |
a protective helmet, made of metal or hard, impact-resistant plastic, worn by construction workers, miners, and the like. |
hard-hat |
(informal) a construction worker. |
hardheaded |
not easily moved, manipulated, or duped; shrewd; pragmatic. [2 definitions] |
hardhearted |
without feeling or sympathy; pitiless. |
hardihood |
strength, vigor, or determination; fortitude. [2 definitions] |
hardily |
in a hardy manner. |
hardiness |
the condition or quality of being hardy; strength; endurance. [2 definitions] |
hard knocks |
difficult or painful experiences, disappointments, or instances of rough treatment. |
hard labor |
compulsory physical labor imposed as part of a prison sentence. |
hard-line |
unwilling to yield, esp. in regard to ideas or ideology. |
hard-liner |
one who is unwilling to yield, esp. in regard to ideas or ideology. |
hardly |
almost not at all; barely; scarcely; only just. [2 definitions] |