haunch |
the hip and fleshy parts of the buttock and thigh. [2 definitions] |
haunt |
to inhabit or visit as a ghost. [4 definitions] |
haunted |
inhabited or visited by ghosts. [2 definitions] |
haunting |
coming back to the mind again and again; not easy to forget. |
Hausa |
a member of a native people inhabiting southern Niger and northern Nigeria. [2 definitions] |
hautboy |
formerly, an oboe. |
haute couture |
(French) the leading, most influential designers and creators of fashions in clothing, and the fashions they create; high fashion. |
haute cuisine |
(French) the preparation of food by elaborate, highly refined methods, esp. by skilled professional chefs. |
hauteur |
arrogance of manner or attitude; haughtiness. |
haut monde |
(French) rich, prominent, or fashionable people; high society. |
Havana |
the seaport capital of Cuba. |
have |
to possess; own. [15 definitions] |
have a baby |
(of a woman) to give birth. |
have a bee in one's bonnet |
to be obsessed with a single idea or intention. |
have a bone to pick |
to have reason for an argument or difference of opinion. |
have an ax to grind |
to have a personal motive in pursuing something. |
have a thin skin |
to be very sensitive to criticism. |
have a whack at |
(informal) to attempt (a task or action); try. |
have done with |
to have no further relationship or connection with; end. |
have fun |
to enjoy oneself, usually while doing something purely for pleasure or entertainment rather than while doing something that requires effort. |
have got |
(informal) to have or have available; possess (used in present tense only). |