hectograph |
a duplicating machine by which written or typed material is transferred to a gelatin surface from which copies may be made. [2 definitions] |
hectoliter |
a unit of capacity equal to one hundred liters or 26.418 gallons. |
hectometer |
a unit of length equal to one hundred meters or 109.361 yards. |
hector |
(cap.) in The Iliad, the greatest warrior among the Trojans, who is killed by Achilles. [4 definitions] |
he'd |
contracted form of "he had," or contracted form of "he would." |
hedge |
a solid row of bushes, often used to mark a boundary. [5 definitions] |
hedgehog |
any one of several small, insect-eating mammals having spiny hairs or quills on the back and sides that protect the animal, esp. when it rolls itself into a ball. [2 definitions] |
hedgehop |
to fly very low in an airplane, avoiding trees and other obstacles by rising over them. |
hedgerow |
a row of bushes or shrubs that forms a hedge or boundary. |
hedonism |
the ethical doctrine that pleasure-seeking should be the primary goal of humans. [2 definitions] |
hedonist |
one who believes that pleasure-seeking should be the primary goal of humans. |
hedonistic |
adhering to or characterized by the principle that pleasure should be the primary aim in life. |
-hedral |
having (such) a number or type of surfaces. |
-hedron |
a solid geometric figure or crystal that has (such) a number or type of surfaces. |
heebie-jeebies |
(informal) a feeling of fear or revulsion; creeps; jitters (prec. by "the"). |
heed |
to give one's attention to; take notice of. [3 definitions] |
heedless |
careless or reckless. |
heehaw |
the braying sound made by a donkey. [3 definitions] |
heel1 |
the round, rear part of the human foot, or the corresponding part in animals. [9 definitions] |
heel2 |
to lean to one side, as a boat. [3 definitions] |
heeled |
having heels. [2 definitions] |