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helices a plural form of helix.
helicoid coiled or curving in the form of a spiral. [2 definitions]
helicopter a type of aircraft held aloft and propelled by horizontally rotating blades attached to its top side.
helio- sun.
heliocentric having the sun's center as an imagined vantage point or as a starting point for measurements. [2 definitions]
heliograph a mirrored instrument that transmits signals by intermittently reflecting the sun's rays. [2 definitions]
Helios in Greek mythology, the god personifying the sun; Sol.
heliotaxis the movement of a freely moving organism toward or away from sunlight.
heliotrope any of various plants whose apexes turn toward the sun, esp. a garden plant that bears fragrant purple blossoms. [2 definitions]
heliotropism the tendency to turn toward or away from light, esp. sunlight, as in a sunflower.
heliport a facility, often on a rooftop, where a helicopter may take off or land.
helium a chemical element of the inert gas group that contains two protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a lighter-than-air gas often used for lifting power and in air-free atmospheres where an inert gas is required, as in welding. (symbol: He)
helix a three-dimensional curve with a central axis and a steadily increasing, steadily decreasing, or constant circumference; spiral.
hell in some religions, the place where the souls of wicked people are punished after death. [6 definitions]
he'll contracted form of "he will."
hellbender a large salamander found in rivers and streams of the eastern United States.
hell-bent unshakably and incautiously determined (usu. fol. by "on"). [2 definitions]
hellcat (informal) a hot-tempered or wicked woman.
helldiver a grebe, esp. the pied-billed grebe.
hellebore any of several mostly poisonous herbs that bear white or greenish flowers. [2 definitions]
Hellene a native or citizen of ancient Greece.