hideous |
exceptionally ugly or frightening in appearance; repulsive. [3 definitions] |
hideout |
a place suitable for hiding, esp. from the police. |
hiding1 |
the act or condition of concealing or being concealed. [2 definitions] |
hiding2 |
a thrashing, flogging, or severe beating. |
hie |
to go speedily; hurry. [2 definitions] |
hierarch |
one who holds a position of authority in a hierarchy, esp. an ecclesiastical one; high priest. |
hierarchical |
of, pertaining to, or organized as a hierarchy. [2 definitions] |
hierarchy |
a body of persons or entities graded according to rank or level of authority. [4 definitions] |
hieratic |
of, pertaining to, or used by priests; priestly or sacerdotal. [2 definitions] |
hieroglyph |
a hieroglyphic. |
hieroglyphic |
of or concerning a type of writing, esp. one used by the ancient Egyptians, that uses pictorial symbols to represent words or sounds. [6 definitions] |
hi-fi |
see "high-fidelity." [3 definitions] |
higgle |
to haggle. |
higgledy-piggledy |
in total confusion or disorder. [2 definitions] |
high |
of great vertical extent; elevated; tall. [14 definitions] |
high and dry |
deserted or stranded; without help. |
highball |
an alcoholic drink containing liquor and a mixer such as water, soda, or the like. [4 definitions] |
high beam |
the brighter, farther-reaching setting for the headlights of a vehicle. |
highborn |
born into the aristocracy. |
highboy |
a tall chest of drawers in two sections and standing on legs. |
highbred |
bred from or having the characteristics of superior stock. |