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high-fiber of a diet or food substance, containing a high concentration of undigestible plant carbohydrates.
high fidelity a method of sound recording and reproduction that captures and reproduces the entire range of audible frequencies with very little distortion.
highflier a person, aircraft, or other thing that flies high. [2 definitions]
high-flown excessive or extravagant, as in self-esteem, goals, or the like. [2 definitions]
high frequency a radio wave between three and thirty megahertz.
High German the dialects of the German language spoken in the central and southern parts of the country. (Cf. Low German.) [2 definitions]
high-grade of very good or superior quality. [2 definitions]
high-handed arbitrary and domineering in action or manner.
high hat see "top hat."
high-hat1 (informal) to treat snobbishly; condescend toward. [2 definitions]
high-hat2 a pair of cymbals mounted on a stand and struck together by means of a foot pedal, used esp. by drummers in jazz and rock bands.
high-heeled of a shoe, particularly one worn by women, having a somewhat or very high heel.
high heels women's shoes with heels that are somewhat or very high, typically worn with a dress or skirt.
High Holidays in the Jewish calendar, the period including Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
highjack variant of hijack.
high jinks (informal) boisterous fun, or pranks; rowdiness.
high jump a field event in which contestants jump over a level bar, which is raised after each successful trial.
highland land that is at an elevation; plateau. [3 definitions]
Highland fling a vigorous folk dance of the Scottish Highlands.
high-level of, involving, or being a person or persons of exceptional status or importance. [3 definitions]
highlife a sophisticated, showy, luxurious way of living.