hurry |
to move or act with speed; hasten (sometimes fol. by "up"). [4 definitions] |
hurry-scurry |
confused, disorderly rushing about. [4 definitions] |
hurry up |
to go faster. |
hurt |
to cause physical damage, pain, or impairment to. [8 definitions] |
hurtful |
causing physical or emotional pain or suffering. |
hurtle |
to speed violently and often noisily. [2 definitions] |
hurtless |
combined form of hurt. |
husband |
a man who is married; a male spouse. [2 definitions] |
husbandman |
a farmer. |
husbandry |
the cultivation of land and raising of crops and farm animals; farming. [3 definitions] |
hush |
used as a request or command to be quiet (sometimes fol. by "up"). [6 definitions] |
hushed |
quiet, often out of caution, nervousness, or respect. |
hush-hush |
(informal) not to be revealed; confidential; secret. |
hush money |
(informal) money paid as a bribe to keep a person from revealing something such as a scandalous or criminal act. |
hush puppy |
a small cake or fritter of deep-fried cornmeal batter. |
husk |
a usu. dry outer covering of some seeds and fruits, esp. of an ear of corn. [3 definitions] |
husking bee |
a gathering of family, friends, or neighbors to husk corn, usu. held as a party or celebration with other festivities included; cornhusking; husking. |
husky1 |
big and strong; muscular. [3 definitions] |
husky2 |
(often cap.) a dog of a strong, thick-furred breed developed to pull sleds in arctic regions. |
hussar |
a member of any of various European cavalry regiments. |
hussy |
an immoral or lewd woman. [2 definitions] |