ichthyology |
the scientific study of fishes. |
ichthyosaur |
any of an extinct variety of marine reptiles that had four flippers, a dolphinlike head, and a vertical caudal fin, and that ranged in length from four to forty feet. |
ichthyosaurus |
an ichthyosaur. |
-ician |
one who specializes in or practices. |
icicle |
a tapered spike of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water. |
icing |
a sweet glaze for coating or decorating baked goods, esp. cakes; frosting. |
ick |
used to express distaste or disgust. [2 definitions] |
icky |
disagreeably sticky or unpleasant. [2 definitions] |
icon |
an image, representation, or symbol. [4 definitions] |
iconic |
being a clear symbol or representative of something and generally regarded with reverence or high esteem. [3 definitions] |
icono- |
image; likeness. |
iconoclast |
one who attacks and seeks to break down traditional beliefs and institutions or popular ideas and values. [2 definitions] |
iconoclastic |
attacking or breaking away from established traditions, beliefs, or values. |
iconography |
the representation of meanings, esp. conventional ones, by visual symbols or images. [3 definitions] |
iconology |
in art history, the study or interpretation of symbols or icons. [2 definitions] |
icosahedral |
of or having the form of an icosahedron. |
icosahedron |
a solid geometric figure with twenty flat sides of equal area. |
-ics |
the science, study, skill, or art of (such) a subject or activity. [3 definitions] |
ictus |
a metrical or rhythmical stress, as in poetry. [2 definitions] |
icy |
made of, covered with, containing, or resembling ice. [3 definitions] |
-id1 |
belonging to a particular group or zoological family. |