ideogram |
a written character or symbol that represents an object or idea without spelling out particular words. [2 definitions] |
ideological |
of or concerning basic beliefs, concepts, and social and political aims of an individual, group, or institution; of or concerning ideology. |
ideologist |
an expert in ideology. |
ideologue |
one who strongly advocates a particular ideology. |
ideology |
the body of beliefs, symbols, and political and social aims that characterizes a particular group or institution. |
ideomotor |
in psychology, of or denoting an unconscious physical motion that is stimulated by an idea. |
ides |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) in the ancient Roman calendar, the fifteenth day of the months March, May, July, and October, and the thirteenth day of all other months. |
Ides of March |
March 15 on the Roman calendar, on which Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C. |
id est |
(Latin) that is; namely. |
idiocy |
the state of being an idiot; an intelligence level very far below normal. [2 definitions] |
idiolect |
the language spoken by an individual, considered as a unique pattern. (Cf. dialect.) |
idiom |
a verbal expression that cannot be understood merely by knowing the individual meanings of its elements, as with the phrase "break down," meaning "to lose one's mental stability." [4 definitions] |
idiomatic |
peculiar to or characteristic of a particular individual or group. [4 definitions] |
idiopathic |
of a disease or the like, having an unknown cause. |
idiopathy |
an ailment of unknown cause or not caused by any other disease; primary disease. |
idiosyncrasy |
a characteristic of temperament, habit, or physical structure particular to a given individual or group; peculiarity. [2 definitions] |
idiot |
a stupid person; imbecile; fool. [2 definitions] |
idiotic |
of, pertaining to, like, or characteristic of an idiot; senseless or stupid. |
idiot savant |
(outdated; no longer in scientific use) a mentally handicapped person who displays an extraordinary talent in one particular area. |
Iditarod |
an annual dogsled race in the U.S. state of Alaska run along a 1,160-mile route between the cities of Anchorage and Nome. |
idle |
not active or in use; not working or scheduled to work; unemployed; unoccupied. [10 definitions] |