impromptu |
thought of, made, or done without plan, preparation, or practice; spontaneous or improvised. [3 definitions] |
improper |
not suitable, applicable, or correct. [2 definitions] |
improper fraction |
a fraction in which the denominator is smaller than the numerator. |
improperly |
without regard for the generally accepted, correct, or established way of doing something; incorrectly; inappropriately. |
impropriety |
the character or state of being incorrect, unsuitable, or indecent. [2 definitions] |
improve |
to increase the quality or condition of; make better. [3 definitions] |
improved |
made better; of a higher quality. |
improvement |
the act of improving or the state of being improved. [3 definitions] |
improvident |
not providing for future needs; careless; wasteful. |
improvisation |
the act of improvising, or something that has been improvised, esp. in music. |
improvisational |
composed at the time of performance. |
improvisatory |
created right at the moment, without any previous decision-making or preparation. |
improvise |
to create or provide without preparation or practice, esp. in music, speech, or writing. [4 definitions] |
improvised |
constructed or composed from whatever materials are available or handy. [2 definitions] |
imprudent |
marked by a lack of awareness or concern for the consequences of one's acts; rash; unwise. |
impudence |
the act or condition of being impudent; insolence. [2 definitions] |
impudent |
tending to cause anger or irritation in others by bold disrespect. |
impugn |
to call into question; challenge or try to discredit. |
impugnable |
combined form of impugn. |
impulse |
a spontaneous or sudden desire that may move one to action. [5 definitions] |
impulsion |
the act of impelling or the state of being impelled. [3 definitions] |