inconsequential |
of little or no consequence; not important. |
inconsiderable |
too small or valueless to be worthy of attention; insignificant. |
inconsiderate |
lacking in thoughtfulness or consideration for others. |
inconsistency |
an instance of contradiction or illogic. [2 definitions] |
inconsistent |
not following a regular pattern; variable. [2 definitions] |
inconsolable |
not able to be comforted, or incapable of being relieved by comforting. |
inconsonant |
not in harmony or accord. |
inconspicuous |
not obvious or readily apparent; easily overlooked. |
inconstant |
changeable, esp. frequently and at random; not faithful or reliable. |
incontestable |
not subject to dispute or questioning. |
incontinent |
incapable of controlling urination and defecation. [2 definitions] |
in contrast |
used to indicate that there is a strong or noticable difference between the one thing that has just been discussed and the second thing that is about to be discussed (sometimes fol. by "to" or "with"). |
incontrovertible |
not able to be questioned or disputed. |
inconvenience |
the condition or quality of being awkward or troublesome. [3 definitions] |
inconvenient |
causing extra effort or time. [3 definitions] |
inconvertible |
not capable of being exchanged for coin, as paper currency. |
incorporate |
to include or blend into a larger thing that already exists. [5 definitions] |
incorporeal |
without material being; bodiless; insubstantial. |
incorrect |
factually wrong. [3 definitions] |
incorrigible |
incapable of being controlled or influenced for the better. [3 definitions] |
incorrupt |
free from corruption, taint, or error. |