indirect discourse |
an indirect statement of what someone said, rather than an exact quotation, that has been altered to conform grammatically to the context in which it is made, as in "She said that she was leaving". |
indirection |
an indirect or roundabout act, remark, procedure, or the like. [2 definitions] |
indirect lighting |
lighting not directed at the object or area to be illuminated, but rather reflected, as off a ceiling, or diffused. |
indirect object |
in grammar, the element of a sentence that represents a person or thing that is indirectly affected by the action of the verb, such as "him" in "I made him some tea". (Cf. direct object, subject.) |
indirect tax |
a tax not levied on those who ultimately bear the cost, such as a tax on a manufacturer that is passed on to the consumer through higher prices. |
indiscernible |
difficult to detect or perceive. |
indiscreet |
lacking judgment, prudence, or restraint, esp. in regard to the rights or feelings of other people. |
indiscretion |
lack of judgment, prudence, or restraint, esp. in regard to the rights or feelings of other people. [3 definitions] |
indiscriminate |
lacking in judgment and discernment; making no distinctions. [2 definitions] |
indispensable |
absolutely necessary; essential. [2 definitions] |
indispose |
to cause unwillingness or disinclination in; make averse. [3 definitions] |
indisposed |
slightly and temporarily ill, as with indigestion or a cold. [2 definitions] |
indisposition |
the condition of being physically indisposed; illness, usu. minor. [2 definitions] |
indisputable |
not subject to being disputed or denied; unquestionable. |
indissoluble |
that cannot be broken apart or undone; firm and lasting. [2 definitions] |
indistinct |
not clearly defined or delineated; vague; blurred. [2 definitions] |
indistinguishable |
without distinguishing marks or characteristics. [2 definitions] |
indite |
to put (a speech, story, or the like) into words or writing. |
indium |
a chemical element that has forty-nine protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a very soft silvery metal, often used for plating other metals and glass for mirrors. (symbol: In) |
individual |
single, distinct, or separate. [5 definitions] |
individualism |
a theory that stresses the rights, liberties, and independence of the individual. [2 definitions] |