inebriety |
the condition of being inebriated; drunkenness. |
inedible |
not suitable or safe to be eaten. |
ineducable |
incapable of being educated or trained, usu. because of some mental handicap. |
ineffable |
beyond description; inexpressible. |
ineffaceable |
impossible to remove or obliterate; indelible. |
in effect |
virtually. [2 definitions] |
ineffective |
having little or no effect; not having the desired or intended effect. [2 definitions] |
ineffectual |
not producing an intended effect. [2 definitions] |
inefficacious |
unable to produce the desired result; useless; ineffective. |
inefficacy |
incapacity for producing the desired result; ineffectiveness. |
inefficiency |
the state or quality of being inefficient. [2 definitions] |
inefficient |
using excessive time or means to produce or achieve results; wasteful; uneconomical. [2 definitions] |
in effigy |
using an effigy or replica of someone, rather than the actual person. |
inelastic |
not yielding or stretching; inflexible. [2 definitions] |
inelegance |
the state or quality of being inelegant. [2 definitions] |
inelegant |
without taste, grace, or refinement; not elegant. |
ineligible |
not qualified to hold an office or position. [3 definitions] |
ineluctable |
impossible to be avoided; inescapable. |
inept |
lacking skill or aptitude; incompetent. [3 definitions] |
ineptitude |
incompetence; lack of skill. |
inequality |
the condition of being unequal, esp. in natural endowments or social or economic status. [5 definitions] |