in effigy |
using an effigy or replica of someone, rather than the actual person. |
inelastic |
not yielding or stretching; inflexible. [2 definitions] |
inelegance |
the state or quality of being inelegant. [2 definitions] |
inelegant |
without taste, grace, or refinement; not elegant. |
ineligible |
not qualified to hold an office or position. [3 definitions] |
ineluctable |
impossible to be avoided; inescapable. |
inept |
lacking skill or aptitude; incompetent. [3 definitions] |
ineptitude |
incompetence; lack of skill. |
inequality |
the condition of being unequal, esp. in natural endowments or social or economic status. [5 definitions] |
inequitable |
not equitable; biased; unfair. |
inequity |
lack of fairness; injustice. [2 definitions] |
inequivalent |
combined form of equivalent. |
ineradicable |
impossible to wipe out of existence, memory, or the like; not eradicable. |
inert |
without ability to move, act, or offer resistance. [3 definitions] |
inert gas |
any of a group of chemical elements, such as helium and neon, that seldom form compounds with other elements and that are gases at room temperature. |
inertia |
the condition of being inert; motionlessness; inactivity. [2 definitions] |
inertial guidance |
guidance of a missile, spacecraft, submarine, or the like by means of a self-contained automatic system that measures and adjusts speed and direction to maintain a predetermined course. |
inescapable |
unable to be avoided or ignored. |
in escrow |
in the keeping of a third party until the conditions have been met that will allow transferal to the intended recipient. |
inessential |
not necessary; unimportant. [2 definitions] |
inestimable |
unable to be counted or estimated; incalculable. [2 definitions] |