infantile |
like or suitable to an infant, esp. in behavior; babyish or childish. [2 definitions] |
infantile paralysis |
poliomyelitis. |
infantilism |
an abnormal condition of an adult marked by the persistence of immature mental and physical development and behavior, including lack of sexual maturation. [2 definitions] |
infantry |
foot soldiers, or the branch of the military to which they belong. |
infantryman |
a soldier in the infantry; foot soldier. |
infarct |
a localized area of tissue that is dead or dying from obstruction of its blood supply. |
infatuate |
to cause a foolish and irrational passion or attachment in (someone). [2 definitions] |
infatuated |
having a strong and somewhat irrational attraction to or passion for someone or something. |
infatuation |
the condition or feeling of being infatuated. [2 definitions] |
in favor of |
in support of. [2 definitions] |
infect |
to contaminate with germs or disease. [4 definitions] |
infected |
having or carrying a disease caused by a virus, bacterium, or other pathogen. [3 definitions] |
infection |
the act of infecting or an instance or state of being infected. [5 definitions] |
infectious |
capable of being transmitted by infection. [2 definitions] |
infectious hepatitis |
an abnormal condition of the liver accompanied by inflammation, jaundice, nausea, and vomiting, that may be caused by a viral infection or poison. |
infectious mononucleosis |
a severe viral disease, usu. occurring in children and adolescents, that causes fever, swelling of the lymph nodes, sore throat, and an increase of white cells with a single nucleus in the bloodstream; glandular fever. |
infective |
able or likely to cause infection; infectious. |
infelicitous |
inappropriate or unfortunate; inopportune. |
infelicity |
the quality or condition of being infelicitous. [3 definitions] |
infer |
to conclude or determine on the basis of evidence or logical premises. [2 definitions] |
inferable |
combined form of infer. |