in love |
the condition in an adult of having a very strong physical and emotional attraction to someone and a strong desire to be with that person; the condition of feeling romantic love. |
inmate |
someone who is restricted to a jail, hospital, or the like. |
in medias res |
(Latin) in the middle of things; starting in the middle, rather than at the beginning of a series of events, as a narrative. |
in memoriam |
in memory of; as a memorial to. |
in-migrant |
a person or animal that migrates into another part of the same country or territory. [2 definitions] |
in miniature |
in a much smaller or reduced size. |
in moderation |
without excess; temperately. |
inmost |
furthest in or deepest; innermost. |
in mothballs |
out of active use; in long-term storage. |
inn |
a small hotel that caters especially to travelers. [2 definitions] |
innards |
(informal) the internal organs and parts of an animal; viscera. [2 definitions] |
innate |
belonging to or existing in someone or some organism from the time of birth; inborn. [3 definitions] |
inner |
situated inside. [4 definitions] |
inner circle |
a small, exclusive group of influential people. |
inner city |
the neighborhoods in or closest to the center of a city, usu. old, run-down, and inhabited by poor and disadvantaged people. |
inner-directed |
motivated and directed by one's own personal beliefs and principles and not by those of society. |
inner ear |
the part of the ear inside the skull, which includes the vestibule, the cochlea, and the semicircular canals, and plays a role in hearing and in maintaining balance. |
Inner Light |
the guiding force of God that Quakers believe exists in every human soul. |
innermost |
farthest inside. [2 definitions] |
innerspring mattress |
a mattress having enclosed coil springs that support the padding. |
inner tube |
an inflated rubber tube inside a tire. |