in time |
after some undetermined amount of time passes or has passed; after a while; with time. [2 definitions] |
intimidate |
to cause to become timid or afraid, esp. by means of threats. [2 definitions] |
intimidation |
the act of making another fearful by means of threats or other shows of power. |
intl. |
abbreviation of "international." |
into |
to the inside of. [8 definitions] |
in token of |
in order to indicate, as a sign of. |
intolerable |
too disagreeable, difficult, or painful to be endured; not tolerable. |
intolerance |
inability or unwillingness to accept the existence or validity of opinions, beliefs, customs, and practices different from one's own. |
intolerant |
unable or unwilling to accept the existence or validity of opinions, beliefs, customs, and practices different from one's own; not tolerant. [2 definitions] |
intonation |
the pattern of changes in pitch of the speaking or singing voice. [3 definitions] |
intone |
to speak or utter with a particular pitch pattern. [3 definitions] |
into the bargain |
in addition; besides. |
into thin air |
out of sight. |
in toto |
(Latin) completely; in all; totally. |
in touch |
in contact through verbal or written communication. |
in tow |
in one's charge or company. [2 definitions] |
intoxicant |
that which intoxicates, esp. an alcoholic beverage. [2 definitions] |
intoxicate |
to cause to experience any of a number of temporary conditions ranging from giddiness to stupor, by means of alcohol or drugs. [3 definitions] |
intoxicated |
experiencing or exhibiting the effects of having drunk alcohol; tipsy or drunk. [2 definitions] |
intoxication |
the state of being intoxicated; drunkenness. [3 definitions] |
intr. |
abbreviation of "intransitive." |