invaluable |
having value too great to estimate or measure; priceless. |
invariable |
not subject to change or variation; consistently the same. [2 definitions] |
invariably |
without ever a change; on every occasion. |
invasion |
an act of entering into the territory of others with the intention of overtaking; an act or instance of invading. [4 definitions] |
invasive |
harmfully overspreading or penetrating, often quickly and aggressively. [3 definitions] |
invasive species |
a non-native species of plant or animal that spreads aggressively in new areas and forces out native plants and animals. |
invective |
strongly abusive or denunciatory speech or language. [3 definitions] |
inveigh |
to utter angry or bitter complaints or criticism; protest vigorously (usu. fol. by "against"). |
inveigle |
to entice or ensnare by clever talk or flattery (usu. fol. by "into"). [2 definitions] |
invent |
to think of, contrive, or create (something new). [2 definitions] |
invention |
the act or process of inventing. [5 definitions] |
inventive |
adept at thinking up new ideas or at devising new objects or methods; imaginative. [2 definitions] |
inventor |
one who invents, esp. a new device, process, or the like. |
inventory |
a complete, often detailed list of things in one's possession or in a particular place. [5 definitions] |
inveracity |
untruthfulness; dishonesty; mendacity. [2 definitions] |
inverse |
opposite or reversed in position, order, direction, nature, or effect. [3 definitions] |
inversely |
in opposite order, direction, effect, or nature. |
inversion |
the act or process of inverting. [4 definitions] |
invert |
to reverse or set opposite in order, position, direction, effect, or the like. [4 definitions] |
invertebrate |
without a spinal column or backbone; not vertebrate. [3 definitions] |
inverted comma |
(chiefly British) (usu. pl.) either of a pair of double punctuation marks (" ") used to enclose a quotation or a reference to a title, or the single punctuation marks enclosing a quotation within a quotation (' '); quotation marks. |