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inveigle to entice or ensnare by clever talk or flattery (usu. fol. by "into"). [2 definitions]
invent to think of, contrive, or create (something new). [2 definitions]
invention the act or process of inventing. [5 definitions]
inventive adept at thinking up new ideas or at devising new objects or methods; imaginative. [2 definitions]
inventor one who invents, esp. a new device, process, or the like.
inventory a complete, often detailed list of things in one's possession or in a particular place. [5 definitions]
inveracity untruthfulness; dishonesty; mendacity. [2 definitions]
inverse opposite or reversed in position, order, direction, nature, or effect. [3 definitions]
inversely in opposite order, direction, effect, or nature.
inversion the act or process of inverting. [4 definitions]
invert to reverse or set opposite in order, position, direction, effect, or the like. [4 definitions]
invertebrate without a spinal column or backbone; not vertebrate. [3 definitions]
inverted comma (chiefly British) (usu. pl.) either of a pair of double punctuation marks (" ") used to enclose a quotation or a reference to a title, or the single punctuation marks enclosing a quotation within a quotation (' '); quotation marks.
inverter that which inverts or converts to an opposite, esp. an electric converter for transforming direct current into alternating current.
invest to put (money or property) into use with the intention of gaining profit or interest. [4 definitions]
investable combined form of invest.
investigate to systematically examine or search into. [2 definitions]
investigation the act of investigating or condition of being investigated. [2 definitions]
investigative of, relating to, or characterized by investigation.
investigator a person who makes a careful search for information usually in order to answer a question.
investiture the act or process of endowing, as with a rank or office.