invitee |
one who is invited. |
inviting |
tempting; enticing. |
in vitro |
in an artificial environment, esp. glass. (Cf. in vivo.) |
in vitro fertilization |
a laboratory technique by which a previously extracted ovum, usu. human, is fertilized by previously extracted sperm, producing an embryo that is then implanted in a uterus for gestation. |
in vivo |
happening within a living organism. |
invocation |
the act or process of invoking, esp. of calling out to a god, muse, or the like, for help, support, or inspiration. [4 definitions] |
invoice |
a detailed statement of goods sold or shipped or of services provided, including their prices or charges. [2 definitions] |
invoke |
to call out to (a god, muse, or the like) for help, support, protection, or inspiration. [4 definitions] |
involucre |
a ring of small leaves or leaflike parts at the base of a flower or flower cluster of a composite plant. [2 definitions] |
involuntary |
not determined by choice, will, or desire. [2 definitions] |
involute |
complex or involved. [4 definitions] |
involution |
the act or an instance of entangling or enfolding. [4 definitions] |
involve |
to include as a necessary or inevitable part, condition, or result. [6 definitions] |
involved |
complex; intricate. [2 definitions] |
involvement |
the state or condition of being involved. |
invulnerable |
secure from attack; impregnable. [2 definitions] |
inward |
in or toward the inside or center. [9 definitions] |
inwardly |
on, in, or toward the inside. [2 definitions] |
inwardness |
the state or quality of being inward or internal. [4 definitions] |
inweave |
to weave in or with. |
inwrap |
enwrap. |