a signed paper acknowledging a debt and often bearing these letters, meaning "I owe you". |
-ious |
full of; having the characteristics of; having. |
Iowa |
a Midwestern U.S. state between Illinois and Nebraska. (abbr.: IA) [3 definitions] |
IP |
in computing, an abbreviation for Internet protocol, one of the main Internet communications protocols, which specifies the format of transmitted data and routing information. |
iPad |
trademark for a tablet computer developed and sold by Apple, Inc. |
ipecac |
either of two tropical South American plants related to madder, coffee, and gardenia, whose roots are used medicinally. [2 definitions] |
iPhone |
trademark for a type of mobile telephone that includes an internet browser, camera, and music player. |
iPod |
trademark for a pocket-sized digital audio player with a large storage capacity, primarily used to collect and play back downloaded digital music files. |
ipomoea |
a plant of the morning glory family that has heart-shaped leaves and bears showy flowers. [2 definitions] |
ipsative |
using a person's own assessment of his or her qualities, knowledge, or skills rather than using testing measures that allow comparison of an individual with others or with a set standard. (Cf. normative.) |
ipse dixit |
(Latin) he himself said it; an unproven or dogmatic assertion. |
ipsilateral |
pertaining to, situated on, or affecting the same side of the body. |
ipso facto |
(Latin) by that fact itself. |
IQ |
abbreviation of "intelligence quotient," a representation of mental age as determined by intelligence tests. |
Ir |
symbol of the chemical element iridium. |
ir-1 |
in; into. [2 definitions] |
ir-2 |
not; without. |
abbreviation of "Individual Retirement Account." |
I.R.A. |
abbreviation of "Irish Republican Army." |
Iran |
a Middle Eastern country between Turkmenistan, the Caspian Sea, and the Persian Gulf. |
Iranian |
of or pertaining to Iran or its people, culture, or the like; Persian. [4 definitions] |