javelin |
a lightweight spear thrown as a weapon. [3 definitions] |
jaw |
either or both of the two bones that surround the mouth and hold the teeth. [5 definitions] |
Jawaharlal Nehru |
a leader of the Indian independence movement and, from 1947 to 1964, first prime minister of the Republic of India. Nehru's name is often preceded by the word "pandit," an Indian title of respect (b.1889--d.1964). |
jawbone |
any of the bones that compose the jaw, esp. the lower one. [3 definitions] |
jawbreaker |
a usu. spherical piece of very hard candy for sucking. [2 definitions] |
jawless |
combined form of jaw. |
jawless fish |
any of several fishes, such as the lampreys, that have a circular sucking mouth and an elongated, eel-like body. |
jawline |
the line or contour formed by the lower edge of the jawbone and chin. |
Jaws of Life |
trademark for an air-pressured tool having a pincerlike device able to rip apart a badly damaged vehicle in order to free a person trapped within. |
jay |
any of a number of usu. brightly colored, noisy birds of the crow family, esp. the blue jay. |
Jayhawker |
(l.c.) an anti-slavery guerrilla in Kansas or Missouri during the U.S. Civil War. [2 definitions] |
jayvee |
(informal) a player on a junior varsity sports team; JV. |
jaywalk |
to walk across a street illegally, as at an improper place or an improper time. |
jazz |
a form of music characterized by improvisation and complex rhythms, with early influences of ragtime and blues. Jazz originated among Black musicians during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in America. Jazz has continued to evolve and to influence new forms of modern music in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. |
jazzman |
a man who plays or composes jazz music. |
jazz up |
(informal) to make more lively or interesting. |
jazzy |
having the nature or form of jazz. [2 definitions] |
JC |
abbreviation of "junior college," an educational institution that offers a two-year program equivalent to the first two years at a four-year college and that confers an associate degree or certificate. |
jct. |
abbreviation of "junction." |
J.D. |
abbreviation of "juris doctor" (Latin); Doctor of Law, or Doctor of Jurisprudence. |
jealous |
Fearful of losing someone's affection, or of losing one's preferential position, to someone else. [5 definitions] |